
Advantages of Partnering with a Medical Staffing Provider

We all want to make sure that we get a return on every investment we make. That is why, when you hire a service provider or invest in a product, you have to be clear on the benefits you will be getting. Thus, as business owners ourselves providing he...

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Some Major Risks of Hiring In-House You Must Know About

Outsourcing your staffing needs may simply be a matter of convenience and practicality for you, with advantages such as reduced training costs, lower overhead costs, and easier hiring processes, among others. But did you know that there are also risk...

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Occupational Therapy Versus Physical Therapy

Occupational and physical therapy work to enhance people’s lives. While the medical staffing for these fields are related, their focus and scope varies. Many individuals are unaware of occupational therapy, in part due to the name. Occupational...

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What Does a Physical Therapist Do?

Physical therapy (PT) is care that aims to ease pain and help you function, move, and live better. Your doctor may advise this treatment if you have an injury or sickness that limits your daily activities. As the medical staffing for PTs continues to...

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Tips for Making Your Employees Happy

Sometimes a raise is not the best answer to keeping your employees happy. A competitive salary can only go so far. Besides, not all businesses can afford to make big adjustments to their employee’s salaries every year. Staffing is going to be one o...

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How to Keep a Low Employee Turnover

Having a high employee turnover can hurt your business. Not only will it make you look bad in the eyes of potential clients, but it will also deter skilled professionals from applying to your company. Yes, even with the help of professional staffing ...

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patient with his nurse